The Panoramic Roadtrip, Road Nr.: R3
Switzerland shows its most beautiful side on a panoramic tour past lakes, over small passes and small rural roads. Take a regional lunch on the top of the Sörenberg and marvel at the Art Nouveau Hotel Paxmontana. Enjoy the coffee stop at the Lake of Brienz. A walk through Sarnen, one of the oldest places in Switzerland, completes this tour.
Enjoy the Panoramic Roadtrip with MyAutomobilista.

Start: 9:00 am
Duration: appx. 8h
Route: 190km
Avaible: from Mai to October
Price from: CHF 1290.- with KTM 1190
Included: coffee at the coffee-stop, lunch with non-alcoholic drink, afternoon tea
Road Nr.: R3

Road map:
Interlaken – Thun – Schallenbergpass – Flühli – Sörenberg – Sarnen – Flüeli-Ranft – Brünigpass – Brienz – Interlaken